The relation between Brain Cancer and Tobacco


Tobacco is the name of a plant with leaves that are incredibly high in nicotine. These leaves are dried and processed and turned into cigarettes to be smoked by 32.6% of the world’s population. It is a practice that started over 2000 years ago and has become a multi-billion-dollar industry nowadays. However, its popularity means nothing compared to its dangers. Smoking tobacco is one of the most harmful acts you could do. From throat and lung cancer to brain tumors, science has proven time and time again how toxic and dangerous this plant is to humans. But one of its most devastating effects is its effect if the brain.

What are the effects of tobacco on the brain?

Tobacco, like other addictive substances, lights up the rewards center in your brain. In addition, Smoking releases dopamine, further stimulating your reward center. This makes your brain associate Smoking with rewards and good deeds.

Further studies have shown that smoking tobacco has very observable physical effects on the brain. They have found that smokers have a much thinner cerebral cortex than their counterparts. This means that smoking destroyed their grey matter. If you didn’t know, your cerebral cortex is the part of your brain responsible for thinking skills. Your cerebral cortex control Things like memory and your learning abilities, so thinner are not better in this instance.

With repeated tobacco use, the chances of getting lung or brain cancer are incredibly high. That is demonstrated in the surgeon general smoking warning, Which includes a warning against it out of fear of developing lung cancer.

A study made in 2020 suggests that prolonged use of nicotine decreases the chance of killer Brain tumors developing lung cancer

Some people think that Juul smoking is less dangerous or harmful to your health than tobacco which is entirely untrue. All kinds of Smoking promote cancers, be it lung cancerthroat cancer, or brain cancerSmoking will also give you bad teeth and might even cause a case of smoking tongue, also known as black hairy tongue. Yes, it is just as gross as it sounds. It causes your tongue to get swollen and dark and will give you horrible breath.

Juul Smoking is prevalent amongst teens in the west, just like hookah is extremely popular amongst teens in the east. Both are highly harmful to their health, and they still not have fully developed brains. Allowing teens to participate in such a dangerous activity can lead to addictions that are extremely hard to get rid of, especially since nicotine has a very addictive makeup. It’s tough to give up nicotine, seeing how popular it is and how Juul and hookah smoking are seen as group activities during bonding times. The social pressure to participate in such harmful activities just to fit in is exceptionally high. Unfortunately, no schools or governments are doing anything to combat the spread of this dangerous new trend.

Tobacco smoking also affects people around the smoker, not just the smokerSecond hand smoking is almost nearly as dangerous as smoking a cigarette for yourself. This is because you are still ingesting the fumes of burnt nicotine, and it’s still going directly into your lungs.

Smoking tobacco has more devastating effects on infants’ and children’s brains than adults. This is because children are still growing and developing, and living in an environment that involves smokers and encourages their behavior will only solidify in the child’s brain that it’s okay. Not only that, but it can hinder their brain’s development, causing lower IQs, higher chances of cancers, and a higher probability that this child will also grow up as a smoker.

Smoking warnings are there for a reason. It’s not affecting your physical health but also your mental health as well. This is because Smokers have such a bad reputation in the media and among people. Running out for a smoke every hour or so can hinder your employment. It can also ruin your chances at a good love life because smoking can be a huge turn-off for potential partners.

People who take good care of themselves are happier. The nicotine high might last for a few minutes, but the joy of health lasts longer.

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