Akkermansia muciniphila of the Intestines


Microbes are living cells found everywhere, they are tiny to be seen with the naked eye, and we need a microscope to examine them. They may be unicellular or pluricellular. What we are familiar with is that microbes are harmful to us. However, we ignore that most microbes are reasonable and necessary for our health. These are known as normal flora predominantly present in the gastrointestinal tract. They are essential for our health by controlling digestion and boosting the immune system. Any imbalance between healthy and harmful bacteria in the body, specifically within the intestine, contributes to high blood glucose and cholesterol levels due to flatulence and weight gain—an increased risk of inflammatory bowel associated with a low level of normal intestinal microbiota and appendicitis. In 2004, Muriel Darien separated one of the essential gut bacteria species: Akkermansia muciniphila. According to Akkermansia, muciniphila is a microbe that forms 1-4% of intestinal bacteria and needs mucin to grow.

Food that increases Akkermansia growth

People usually have some questions when it comes to Akkermansia. Mostly they ask: How to grow Akkermansia? How to increase Akkermansia Muciniphila amount?

 Akkermansia muciniphila is found abundantly in thin people and those who don’t have diabetes. It is transferred from the mother to her fetus. Improving your diet helps in boosting Akkermansia growth. People must eat foods that increase Akkermansia growth (food-containing prebiotics), like bananas, asparagus, garlic, and pomegranate. Also, the relationship between polyphenols and the gut microbiota is necessary to understand polyphenols’ importance in A.municiphila growth. Grapes and berries contain a high amount of polyphenols that increase Akkermansia in the intestine and thus enhance intestinal function. It suppresses obesity, insulin resistance, and intestinal inflammation.

Contrary to other microbes in the gut, Muciniphila doesn’t need certain kinds of food to stay alive. Therefore, it functions even if you are fasting. However, foods are required to increase their amount.

Akkermansia importance 

Akkermansia Muciniphila works mainly on weight management and immunity-boosting. How? It strengthens the gut’s mucous lining, fights bacteria that penetrate the bloodstream, decreases low-grade inflammation, reduces the risk of metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia), and helps feed other beneficial bacteria keeping the body healthy.

The intestinal lining has cells covered with a layer of mucus. On this layer, Akkermansia grows. This lining acts as a barrier that allows beneficial substances to enter the blood circulation and prevents microbes from penetrating.

Akkermansia muciniphila Obesity

Is Akkermansia Muciniphila related to obesity? Yes, it is. Many studies show that Muciniphila has an important role in regulating metabolism and decreasing metabolic disorders associated with obesity. However, the details regarding its mechanism of action are still under investigation. Also, it was proven that humans with high body weight and high cholesterol levels have low existence of Akkermansia in the gut. For example, in a specific study, when they added metformin, a drug used in diabetes, to obese mice, Akkermansia increased.

Akkermansia Glycaniphila

Akkermansia Glycaniphila is another normal intestine flora known as intestinal mucin–degrading bacterium. Wich used in traditional medicine as an immune booster treatment. Using mucin by this bacteria is an essential source of carbon, energy, and nitrogen. Cells grow single, in pairs, or groups. It needs an increase in specific sugar (lactose or maltose) and protein.

As we can see, microbes are part of your life’s safety. However, not all microbes are harmful and work against having a healthy body. So, researchers are investigating now to show that Muciniphila has an essential role in treating or preventing certain diseases, primarily due to its safety and effectiveness in humans.

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