The Ugly Side Effects of Female Smoking


Females always think of their beauty and how to be attractive without thinking of the cost of doing that. So, females in advertisements play a significant role in attracting customers to buy the product they are marketing. Females have curiosity about experimenting with anything they encounter in their life. As time passed, females started to smoke in prehistoric times to lure men without thinking about their health. So, females begin their smoking habit forgetting about its consequences on their outer appearance, especially their face. The burning of tobacco releases toxic smoke, which affects the eyes, mouth, and all facial expressions that make females look ugly. So, people change their opinion concerning female smokers due to the problems they suffer from due to their smoking. So, what begins as a beauty and an attraction ends with the deformation or distortion of the face.

Now, what is smoking? What are the effects of smoking on female smokers? 

Smoking means inhaling and exhaling nicotine, a toxic substance found in tobacco, whether in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. The definition of smoking shows that tobacco contains nicotine which is an addictive substance and can stimulate and tranquilize psychoactive effects—about 23% of the worldwide population smoke cigarettes. In addition, the combustion of the dried leaves of tobacco vaporizes and delivers toxic substances into the lungs, which are absorbed into the bloodstream to reach bodily tissue. Besides, smoking allows poisonous substances to erode your organs, leading to health deterioration with time. Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that harm smokers and non-smokers even when inhaling small amounts. There are more than seven thousand chemicals in tobacco smoke about 250 are for sure harmful such as hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Among the 250 toxic substances, there are 69 cause cancers. Smoking leads to premature death in the western world due to the harmful additives.

In developing countries, smoking has been increasing rapidly since the late twentieth century, and they are expecting eight million deaths per year by 2030. So, the female numbers increased among smokers without caring about the negative impacts of cigarettes on their health. Women smoke regardless of the chemical constituents of cigarettes, such as nicotine, tar, arsenic, carbon monoxide, ammonia, acetone, toluene, and methylamine. We never think or care about smoking, but when it comes to women, it is different. So, why do people feel amazed when they see a woman smoke?

The answer is simple women care about their outer appearance, looking young, not getting old, and more. Out of this, smoking has many drastic impacts on smokers, mainly females. 

  • Smoking makes women look ugly because of the blackness around their eyes, which makes them look shabby. 
  • Women dying of lung cancer are 20 times higher than men.
  • About 80% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease deaths of females each year, 
  • Smoking makes women look older because of facial wrinkles, yellow teeth, tooth decay, gum disease, and halitosis. 
  • Smoking increases depression and anxiety disorders, according to the Surgeon General’s report. 
  • Smoking affects fertility and has adverse reproductive and early childhood effects such as preterm delivery, stillbirth, and low birth weight.
  • Women smokers suffer from menopause symptoms bout three years earlier than men, and they will have lower bone density and the risk for hip fracture than women who never smoke. 

Many studies revealed a gender difference in the effect of smoking, where the risk of breast cancer increased by 16% among female smokers. Also, female smokers face a significant risk of high-grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and increase the risk of progression from HPV to CIN. Also, there is a relationship between smoking and cardiovascular health among females. Female smokers have a 25% higher risk of coronary heart disease than male smokers. In addition, hypertensive female smokers had lower fasting glucose levels, blood pressure, and heart rate. 

Whenever you mention the word smoking, you have to relate it to health because smoking is a health hazard. Tobacco is a key risk factor involved in increasing the burden of diseases. Female smoking rates increased in the 21st century regardless of its consequences on their health, relationships with their partner, children, and surroundings. Female smokers never thought about the impact of smoking and that it leads to more irregular or painful periods. Because smoking decreases the level of estrogen, women become moody, feel fatigued, and suffer from vaginal dryness. According to studies, smoking among females increases the chance of having cervical cancer, and more women die from lung cancer. In addition, females will have problems becoming pregnant because of the nicotine that harms every organ in the body. Females smoking includes the effect of smoking on their brain, mouth, heart, lungs, skin, and muscles. Most facts show that the percentage of females smoking is close to that of men. In the United States, in 2017, the number of females smoking was 12.2 while that of men was 15.9%, where Smoking-related diseases kill more than 200.000 women. Also, the annual death of female smoking is three times greater than women who never smoke. About 88% of heart disease cases among women under age 50 have a higher annual death rate of cardiovascular diseases. Besides, females smoking have a 25% risk of having coronary heart disease. So, smoking is the primary reason for heart attacks in women, with twice the chance of having a heart attack than nonsmoking women. Women who die from breast cancer are twice the rate than those who never smoke. The documents show a relationship between smoking and cervical cancer, where smoking is the primary factor in the development of (HPV)-driven cervical cancer.

 Female smoking  is invading society nowadays and is overwhelming among females, evident in the drastic impacts of smoking on women’s health. The increasing number of females smoking is the tobacco industry which targets females in its advertising and promotional campaigns. Female smoking increases among adolescents and during their years of study. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco advertisements unite between smoking and liberation, being thin, and other issues that attract females. Also, tobacco companies use misleading commercial words such as low percentage of nicotine and light. Most studies show that female smoking is more dangerous than male smoking. Every year women smoke, the risk of heart attack increases by two percent compared to men who have smoked for the same number of years. Moreover, the women’s chances of developing heart disease may be much higher than in this study because females smoke fewer cigarettes than men.

 Smoking females prevail in societies, and their increasing number unites with the idea of smoking females in movies and famous programs. Smoking females suffer from dryness in the skin, especially those who smoke more than ten cigarettes during the day. According to a study, a relationship exists between smoking, pimples, and other skin infections that appear in public where females feel shy and embarrassed. Also, females look attractive through their voices but will suffer from laryngitis due to smoking. Having infections in vocal cords results from the smoke of cigarettes that contain toxic substances will lead to chronic coughing. Another thing that emerged from this study is that the risk of dying from lung cancer in women is higher than in men because there is a behavioral and physiological reason why women who smoke are more susceptible to the disease than men who smoke.

Smokers never think of the effect of smoking on the tongue and that it is harmful as any other disease smoking causes. Tobacco harms the dorsum of the tongue” and buccal epithelium. In addition, smoking tongue can develop a condition of the black hairy “tongue” due to the result of tobacco use. This condition causes the “tongue” to become yellow, brown, and black and smokers may lose the sensation of taste and smell. Also, smokers will suffer from tongue pain due to bacteria or yeast growth on the surface of their “tongue.” a case study with 174 smoking and non-smoking volunteers in the city of Hail, Northern KSA. They noticed that smoking is the risk factor for cytological atypia, which develops into cancerous lesions. The dentists were at the top of asking for more research and investigations on oral cancer detection due to the effects of tobacco on the mouth and teeth. Also, tobacco affects the salivary glands on the hard palate and increases the risk of periodontal disease and oral cancer. Smoking affects smokers’ oral health damaging the teeth, gums, and tongue. Due to the thickness of smoking, it makes a wall and stains teeth. Nearly 10,000 Americans have tongue cancer yearly due to cigarette smoke and higher tongue cancer rates. Diagnosing and treating tongue cancer can be curable, but it will spread to the lymphatic system and other body areas without taking action quickly. Also, the chemicals in cigarette damage the taste buds resulting in less intense flavors.

The Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee did its first report in 1964 based on 7000 articles about smoking and its impacts on human health. However, it took 40 years after publishing the “report” to take action. From here came the idea of the label by enacting an Act of 1965 and the Public Health Cigarette Smoking act of 1969. So smokers start to see warnings on cigarette packaging and ban smoking and advertisements. The reports of Surgeons General over the forty years have alerted the nation toward the impacts of smoking and its risks. After the increasing rate of smokers in the United States in the twentieth century, governments, scientists, and others moved on to find a solution to reduce smoking and the number of smokers. In the reports and articles written, they wrote the risks and dangers of smoking for smokers and non-smokers.

Surgeon General’s smoking warning includes a warning written on the cigarette package and determines that cigarette smoking is dangerous to the health. Congress enacted different Acts about the “warning” on all cigarette packages and advertisements. In 1967 the FTC took recommendations from Congress to change the warning label to “Smoking is Dangerous to Health and causes Cancer and other Diseases.” Later, in 1969, Congress passed an Act prohibiting cigarette advertising on television and radio, and the cigarette package must include the label warning “Cigarette smoking is Dangerous to your Health.” Later, in 1981, after finding that this warning did not affect public knowledge and attitude toward smoking, Congress enacted a new Act for the warning on cigarettes packages and advertisements:

  •  Surgeon General’s warning that smoking causes heart diseases, lung cancer, emphysema, pregnancy complications
  • Surgeon General’s warning about quitting smoking reduces risks to your health.
  • Surgeon General’s warning shows that smoking during pregnancy leads to fetal injury, premature birth, and a low birth rate.
  • Surgeon General’s warning shows that smoking contains carbon monoxide.

Most cigarette packages released to the market have a sentence written to warn smokers about smoking. For example, on Marlboro, you can read Surgeon General’s Warning as “Smoking Kills,” The  Product can Cause Mouth Cancer, Cigarettes Smoking May be Hazardous to Your Health,” and  Smoking by Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury.” So, after the release of these warnings and according to a Yale Study, the signs saved millions of lives in the United States after the Surgeon General’s smoking warning on the package of cigarettes. In addition, the anti-smoking measures and the efforts have reshaped public attitudes and behaviors concerning cigarettes and other forms of tobacco. According to the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network, the warning label saved millions of lives besides tobacco control measures. Approximately 5.3 million were men, and 2.7 million were women. In addition, the Surgeon General Warning, released by U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry, helped reduce premature deaths.

Finally, most articles show the ugly side effects of female smoking, as it refers to the statistics that deal with this issue by looking at women specifically. The habit of smoking in most countries considers female smoking immoral, and women are rebelling against their societies and values. Some behavioral psychologists refer to the smoking process as a way to escape from reality and its burden and the exposure to psychological pressure and get rid of any disorder or anxiety. But this doesn’t deny that society doesn’t accept female smokers for whatever reasons they face. Their smoking makes them look ugly in front of the public, besides the consequences and risks they face from smoking. Nowadays, Females must think twice about becoming smokers before increasing their developing stages and losing the rope. So, females must be aware and wise toward this bad and hazardous habit that most societies suffer from its consequences.

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